Our Work
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”
– Benjamin Franklin
Our prevention programs promote healthy and positive communities by developing programs and services that empower individuals and strengthen the community. Over the years, we’ve grown into a cornerstone of community support, partnering with local leaders and stakeholders to make a difference.

Call us at (870) 534-2047
*If you are having an emergency, please call 911.
Our core programs

Substance abuse prevention
Our substance abuse prevention program focuses on building healthier communities. Through education, community partnerships, and evidence-based practices, we help reduce the risks associated with alcohol, tobacco, and other substances. Our initiatives include public awareness campaigns, training sessions, and youth outreach.

Mental health support
Mental health is at the core of what we do. We provide access to counseling, workshops, and peer support to ensure community members can maintain their mental well-being. Our mental health services are designed to be accessible, inclusive, and supportive, focusing on reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations.

Educational workshops
Education is empowerment. Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including financial literacy, job skills, substance abuse awareness, and mental health. These sessions are designed to equip community members with the tools they need to lead fulfilling, productive lives. Check our schedule to see upcoming workshops and join us.

everybody deserves it
Second chance housing (affordable & permanent housing)
The Community Empowerment Council Inc. (CEC) partners with the City of Pine Bluff, the Veterans Administration, and the Arkansas Department of Community Corrections to provide Second Chance Housing, offering affordable and permanent housing options for previously incarcerated men and women. This initiative is designed to combat homelessness, reduce housing discrimination, and support successful reintegration into society. Our goal is to create a stable, supportive community that fosters a fresh start, reduces recidivism, and promotes self-sufficiency. In addition to these options, we connect residents to vital resources such as job skills training, financial literacy, and life planning programs while providing substance abuse prevention information to support long-term stability. We currently manage eight housing units and are expanding with six additional homes to further our mission.
A look at our impact and ongoing initiatives
The Community Empowerment Council (CEC) is a social services nonprofit dedicated to educating and serving the poor and homeless. Headquartered at 4701 Dollarway Road, the organization has successfully carried out multiple projects aimed at supporting vulnerable populations. Over the years, CEC has managed initiatives such as Margie’s House, a licensed 20-bed residential facility that provided transitional housing, job skills training, financial literacy education, life planning skills, and substance abuse prevention. Initially designed for youth, Margie’s House transitioned into a home for individuals reentering society after incarceration, offering a stable environment to support their reintegration.
CEC has also operated a youth residential and emergency shelter program licensed by the Department of Human Services, serving male and female youth ages 6 to 18. Since its inception in 2011, this program has provided emergency shelter, transportation, mentoring, health and wellness services, counseling, tutoring, and case management. Evidence-based services such as cognitive behavioral therapy, anger management therapy, and substance abuse prevention were integral to the program. Located at 2501-A South Cherry Street in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, the facility partnered with community organizations, including local junior and high schools, to ensure comprehensive support for the youth in its care. The staff included a director, social service director, administrative services manager, youth advocate supervisor, mental health professionals, youth advocates, a fiscal and finance director, and case managers.
Beyond its direct services, CEC has played a vital role in regional prevention initiatives. Through leadership in Region 12 Prevention efforts, the organization has provided information and resources to assist communities in Jefferson, Grant, Lincoln, and Cleveland counties in developing strategies to reduce risks associated with violence, alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse. The Region 12 Prevention Director and the Partnerships for Success (PFS) program have worked to build youth coalitions and support community capacity for substance abuse prevention through training, technical assistance, and the promotion of evidence-based practices. Additionally, CEC has served as a Prevention Resource Clearinghouse, offering information and educational materials to help individuals and families maintain a healthy, substance-free lifestyle.
CEC continues to seek support from the community in the form of monetary donations, volunteers, and individuals interested in joining task forces and advocacy efforts. Contributions help sustain and expand initiatives that empower individuals and promote lasting community well-being. Those willing to support
CEC’s mission are encouraged to get involved in shaping a brighter future for those in need.